Bibliologian Finds Answers to Life Problems

You’ve heard the news stories, the mass shootings, the hurricanes, the earthquakes, the devastating fires, the suicides and increased diseases. You’ve seen the destruction, and the lost lives of many people to all kinds of evil.
In a world where we live with all kinds of terrible destruction from storms, hurricanes, fires, and earthquakes, along with dozens of diseases and criminal attacks in a world lacking peace it’s hard for anyone to feel safe. At some point most everyone will ask “Why?”
We’ve all been taught that all these evil happenings are just a part of life that we must accept and that there’s nothing we can do to prevent the evils. But is that really true? What if I told you there is a way to prevent a lot of the evils from happening. Would you believe me? Would you believe God?
What most people don’t know is that God says He will send all kinds of evil upon us if we don’t keep his commandments. (Deut 31:16-18). In Deut 28:15-68 we find many diseases and curses listed that God says will come upon us if we don’t listen to him and obey him. Some of the curses include being cursed in our livelihood by not being prosperous, being smitten before our enemies, suffering with drought (no rain for crops), shall bring the sword upon us (tools of destruction now are guns), shall bring nations against us from afar whose language we do not understand (wars and terrorism), give us fear day and night and sorrow of mind (depression?).
Isa 29:6 says “thou shalt be visited of the Lord of Hosts with great thunder, earthquake, storm, tempest (also called whirlwinds; hurricanes and tornados), and the flame of devouring fire.”
Lev 26:22 says “I will send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children and destroy your cattle.”
Those wild beasts include bees, wasps, scorpions, snakes, coyotes, bears, mountain lions, sharks, other animals, and even our own pet dogs. These insects and animals have been attacking adults too.

Sign of the Times

A close scrutiny of the curses outlined in Deuteronomy 28 reveals that about 40% of the curses listed are diseases of some kind or other; 35% involve our finances and prosperity and about 25% involves the safety of our lives. This is an exact replica of what we are experiencing in our world today.
The fact that we have all kinds of evil destructive things happening in our world today is a sign that we have left the parameters of the covenant God outlined in His commandments. God has been trying to get our attention for hundreds of years now but nobody seems to be listening.
God says to go not to the left hand or to the right hand of keeping His commandments. (Josh 1:7) Which means don’t change them, substitute them, diminish or add to them. (Deut 4:2 & 12:32; Rev 22:18-19)
We have major doctrinal errors that are being taught today that do exactly what God says not to do. Many people ask “I go to church, why isn’t my life better?” What they don’t know is that they are living by errors. Then when people get hurt, they automatically blame God. People get angry at God for not preventing evil from happening to them or their loved ones.
Some people even get so hurt by “religion” that they leave the church and end up hating God for the things they suffer with. But God is not the one to blame. The doctrinal errors, brought in by false teachers, those that cause divisions and setting up damnable heresies is what is to blame. Our laziness or lack of desire to do our own studies to “prove all things” (1 Thes 5:21) from the scriptures is also to blame.
How can we blame God for the corrective consequences we receive for breaking his commandments in order to follow a different belief that we prefer over what God actually teaches? It is time to start asking, “How is it God’s fault when mankind is the one who refuses to listen to and obey God?”

How Did Our World Get This Way?  

2 Pet 2:1-2 says “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies… and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious (destructive) ways by reason of who the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.”
The damnable heresies the Bible speaks of are also called divisions, and false doctrines or religions today. Heresies are also listed in Gal 5:19-21 as the works of the flesh, with the warning that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Living by heresies is a serious matter with God that he will not tolerate.
A heresy is biblically defined as “a choice, a party or disunion; - sect.” additional definitions are “to take for oneself, i.e. to prefer.” Unfortunately, that “choice” or religious belief that a person “prefers” ends up being considered by God as idolatry and breaks the first commandment.
1 John 4:6 tells us there is a spirit of truth and a spirit of error. Isa 9:16 says “the leaders of this people cause them to err, and they that are lead of them are destroyed.”
The word “error” is not merely an innocent mistake. Strong’s Concordance defines it as “fraudulence, a straying from orthodoxy or piety: - deceit, to deceive, delusion. Err means to cause to go astray, deceive, dissemble, seduce, cause to wander; vacillate (waver in mind, show indecision).
As we can see by these definitions, doctrinal errors are a serious problem. Serious enough to cause people to go astray from biblical principles to choose a different religious belief not authored by God. And choosing to live by the damnable heresy brings destruction just like 2 Pet 2:1-2, Isa 9:16 and Deuteronomy chapter 28 describes.
Every day I hear about someone’s horrible disease, another criminal attack, a mass shooting, a suicide, a raging forest fire, a Nor’ Eastern storm and flood, a hurricane, a missing child, and I wonder, “How many of these could have been prevented if people were not living by a heresy that was started by teaching major doctrinal errors?”
An April 2017 Pew Research Forum report found that there are about 2.3 billion professing Christians around the world. That’s 30 percent of Earth’s 7.6 billion people. The World Christian Encyclopedia identifies at least 33,000 Christian denominations, with 9,000 of those classified as “Protestant” and 22,000 as “Independents.” Our society teaches we are to tolerate all 33,000+ religious faiths (including Islam, Buddhism, etc) that are in the world today. But God is not tolerating them. Instead he is trying to eliminate them through destruction. According to Eph 4:4-6 there is only supposed to be one body, one spirit, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.
Rom 12:5 also says “So we being many, are one body in Christ.” And Gal 3:28 says “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond or free, there is neither male nor female; for ye are all one in Christ.”
Further biblical studies show that apostle Paul in 1 Cor 1:10-13 distinctly says “that ye all speak the same thing, that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and judgment. Paul also says in Rom 16:17-18 Now I beseech you brethren that ye mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good works and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
“Division” in Strong’s Concordance means “(4978G) a split, rent, schism. And (1370G) disunion, dissention, sedition.” Which mirrors the heresy definition biblically defined as “a choice, a party or disunion; - sect.”
Schism means “a split or division in an organized group or society, especially a church as the result of difference of opinion or doctrine. Cults are also a system of religious worship or ritual with a charismatic leader who indoctrinates members with unorthodox or extreme views, practices or beliefs.
A further study of the word “denomination” reveals much.
Denominationa particular religious body, with a specific name, organization. Denominational – sponsored by, or under the control of a religious denomination, sectarian. Denominationalism – 1. A denominational system. 2. Acceptance or support of such principles or system. 3. Division into a denomination.
The fact that we have 33,000 divisions called denominations is clear they are in violation of the biblical principle of Paul’s mandate of “that there be no divisions among you.”
Paul also says the divisions (denominations) serve not Christ, but their own bellies. The “denominational” definition above points out that their followers are also under the control of their religious denomination. This means that not only are the divisions not serving Christ, it also means the followers are not serving Christ either. Instead they are serving the divisional denomination’s belly, just like Paul said they would do. (This is also the basis for idolatry.)
Christ said in Matt 6:24   No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other…
Christ says to follow Him. So those who follow man’s man-made traditions and rules that denominations insist be followed instead of doing what Christ says, make themselves followers of man (idolaters) and not followers of Christ. (See Matt 15:2-9; Mark 7:1-13; Titus 1:14; and Col 2:8). For this cause God says, in Isa 59:2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins (of following man instead of Christ) have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. (See also Isa 1:15 and Jer 5:25).
I know that student pastors don’t go into ministry with the intent to teach false religions.  I also know that Bible schools don’t go into the teaching field with the intent to teach false religions either. I know that both of them have good intents. But our world is in such a bad state of despair and life problems caused by major doctrinal errors that it is time for an overhaul of the entire system.

So How Do We Fix the Doctrinal Errors That Cause Worldwide Problems?

Through the use of bibliology, which is the study of Bible messages and biblical principles, Mel Constance has found the answers to our major life problems.
Constance has discovered during her 30 years of biblical and religious studies along with in-depth research and talking to 1000’s of people from all faiths (Jewish and Christian), she has found a common thread that links diseases and all kinds of problems to their religious belief and practices.  That common thread is that 95% of the population has been living by a destructive heresy and they don’t even know it.
Out of the dozen or so different denominations she’s attended over the years, she’s noticed that some denominations are worse than others for blatant errors taught and practiced and the equally increased percentage of their congregants who have severe diseases, financial and safety problems.
Over the past 30 years Constance has learned how to tell truth from error when it comes to the things taught coming from the pulpit. In the past several years Constance has noticed many seriously severe errors that have the ability to ruin people’s lives if the doctrinal error concepts are practiced.
Here’s a scary fact she has found that most people don’t know: There are no scriptural fact checking people at the top levels of our religious and biblical study system that would prevent schools (and eventually pastors) from teaching blatant errors or lies for people to incorporate into their belief. No one is checking the curriculum to see if schools are teaching biblical truth or lies.
Constance has contacted the US Department of Education, the AZ State Higher Education Agency and the AZ Department of Education to ask if they have jurisdiction to set standards, monitor and control the curricula in seminaries and other religious schools and monitor what the accrediting associations allow to be taught. She also contacted the Association For Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) and the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education to ask if they have anyone at the top level of their organization to fact check with the scriptures what is being taught to prevent schools (and eventually pastors) from teaching errors or lies. Do they set standards for the curricula in all religious schools?
The US Department of Education said they do not oversee or set standards for the curriculum in seminaries or religious schools. They only deal with the federal loans laws with monitoring the accrediting associations. They said she should take her complaints or concerns to her and all other state Attorney General’s Office to investigate the claims of fraud in the schools.
The ABHE gave her 3 responses. The Executive VP said “no, they do not relate to their institutions in this way.”
The ABHE president said “our doctrinal commitments include all the historic essential doctrines of Christianity but allow latitude for differences in denominations and theological systems within that overall framework. Primary responsibility for doctrinal integrity belongs to the governing boards of member colleges. They are the ones who have direct fiduciary (guarding institutional integrity and public trust) responsibility. Under the governing board, presidents and deans exercise supervisory responsibility. Many, though not all, of our colleges are operated under the authority of a church association or denomination which also requires and enforces biblical and theological integrity.” The director said there are more than 1000 institutions that identify themselves as Bible institutes, colleges, or seminaries, but they only accredit about 150 institutions.
Their website also says that accreditation is voluntary participation. This means schools are NOT required to be accredited. This also means that the school’s governing board sets their curricula based on theology (the study of other religions) and their own traditions made by man (Matt 15:2-9; Titus 1:14) instead of the study of the Bible messages. This leads to the heresies of numerous denominations being established like we have right now. This also leads to the same problem we have right now of not having anyone at the top levels of our religious study system to set standards and monitor the curricula to make sure the schools are not teaching errors and heresies.
This information should scare and anger every person who reads this because the very agencies that are supposed to be protecting us are not willing to help make our society better with stricter standards. Instead they are allowing and accrediting the denominational institutions that bring so much confusion and damage to our world. It should also scare and anger everyone, because it is your life, health and salvation on the line that is being affected by damnable heresies, divisions, denominations and flat out false doctrines.
We have agencies like the Consumer Product Safety Commission that protects us from faulty products and the Federal Trade Commission that protects consumers against unfair, deceptive or fraudulent practices. We also have the Registrar of Contractors (ROC) which protects consumers from fraudulent contractors. But there are no agencies that protect the consumer from fraudulent errors taught in seminaries or Bible schools.
So the religious and biblical schools can teach all the errors, lies and heresies they want and there is no one to stop them. If the consumer does not know the difference between biblical truth and the errors that are taught, then they will be the one to suffer if they choose to believe and practice the error. It is time for people to stop being biblically ignorant and gullible to believe anything. It is killing you!!!
We then must question why Accrediting Associations allow the divisions and denominations in the world today. Every school and pastor in our world today teaches on everything else Paul teaches. This mandate from Paul to “have no divisions” is just as important as all of his other teachings.
Constance’s research has found that every social issue we have in our world today has its roots in a biblical principle. The symptoms of our major social dysfunction includes addictions, abuse, atheism, crimes of all sorts, depression, suicide, marital infidelity, bullying, anxiety, divorce, poverty, homelessness, neglected children and a whole host of other mental illnesses. Another major symptom is numerous diseases.
These are all directly related to the lack of God’s knowledge and spirit in a person’s life. This is a knowledge and spirit that is withheld by God himself when he sees sin in a person’s life that lives by a heresy instead of keeping his commandments. The solution to all these social dysfunction problems starts with a return to keeping all God’s commandments in the way He says to keep them. It also starts by recognizing errors being taught in our religious system that causes and promotes heresies.

Reforming a Faulty Educational System

Constance has done in-depth research of the main religious teaching system being used to study God and the Bible. She has found many errors in the system itself that has caused a great deal of confusion, conflict and in some cases downright lies that are being taught.
"Theology" in Webster’s Dictionary is defined as the study of religious doctrines and matters of divinity; specifically, the study of God and the relations between God, humankind and the universe. 2. A specific formulation or systemization of religious doctrine or belief as set forth by a given religion or denomination or by one or more individuals.
Unfortunately the systemization incorporates previous religious doctrines in the form of heresies and the main apostate church to combine with myths, other non-biblical dogmas, philosophical opinions of man and pagan or heathen traditions which God said not to practice. (Deut 12:30-32) The entire system in use today is not authored or approved of by God. Nor does the system study the actual messages of the Bible. (See www.Britannica.com/topic/Roman-Catholicism for a complete understanding of what theology is based on and how it has been influenced by Aristotle's and Plato's philosophy.)
A faulty educational system such as this that contradicts biblical principles, causes denominational divisions, teaches errors, incorporates pagan traditions, myths, philosophies and non-biblical dogmas, and then is not controlled and monitored to meet strict biblical standards is the root cause of all our life problems in the world today. It therefore is NOT a good system to be using in the schools as a way to teach the Bible and God. 
The better system to use is bibliology, as it seeks to discover what God intended His word to mean, not only in biblical times, but for our time as well. It does not incorporate the use of other religious dogmas, philosophical opinions or man-made traditions. It is the use of the Bible only, a biblical concordance and a dictionary. This is the best and only way to learn of the errors being taught and then correct them.
Just as all ministry professionals would agree, biblical knowledge is based first and foremost on the Bible itself, and takes the scriptures as they are given to us to be the inspired, authoritative word of God. Further, bibliology is based on the knowledge that the canon was provided by the Holy Spirit through the humans inspired by God. We also stand on the fact that the original scriptures are inerrant.
Bibliology is mainly concerned with the final meanings of the many messages and teachings of the Bible and their relevance for today. Bibliology is a combination of biblical and systematic theology as it is able to summarize each biblical topic one by one, using the factual scriptures to interpret other scriptures. No forms of theory, theology or guessing are used to come to an understanding of each message.
Therefore it is the better system to use as it allows God to interpret His own word and intentions instead of using man’s opinions or philosophies. Through the use of bibliology, we are able to recognize any and all errors that are being taught and correct them. An error is anything that contradicts what God teaches in the scriptures. We’ve already established that the scriptures are inerrant and God is the ultimate authority, so anything that contradicts God and the scriptures is an error.
Unfortunately, millions of Christians take for granted the traditions, doctrines, and concepts taught by their denomination, without ever proving them for themselves before practicing the traditions and concepts. They end up being the millions of people who are suffering from all the diseases and life problems listed at the beginning of this article.

It is now time to update our faulty and corrupt religious training system that uses theology and philosophy to convert to using bibliology instead. Doing so will eliminate the problems and destruction brought on by heresies and divisions. If the schools and Associations aren’t willing to be reformed of their own accord, then we must take it to each of our State’s Attorney General’s Offices to start the investigations and demand reform.

Help For Our Time 

Bibliologian Constance has written three main religious books covering all she has learned over the past 30 years to help people in their studies of the Bible and help them get the healing they need.
“All About Israel: The Bible and Religion From God’s Perspective” provides a perspective on the Bible and religion that greatly improves biblical knowledge and understanding, and will give readers the solid answers to life’s difficult questions they all hunger for.
Constance’s second book “Why Evil Exists and How To Stop It” gives an explanation of the main doctrinal errors that has created the many denominations (heresies) which bring so much destruction to our lives and world. Not only does it teach how to correct the errors and how to return to righteous living, but also answers over 30 most common asked questions about evil that people (including pastors) have been asking.
Constance wants people to know that there is still hope for us and that not only our personal lives but our world can get better just by returning to the basic principles outlined in the Bible. The information in all three of Constance’s religious books was derived by the use of bibliology, so people can be assured of their accurateness for their own studies and the return to righteousness God and Christ expect from us.
The repentance Christ and the apostles continually speak of is basically a return to righteousness.
Deut 6:25 saysand it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before the Lord our God, as he has commanded.”
Titus 2:12we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world.
2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for righteousness…
Isa 32:17-18 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever. And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.
Losing our righteous standing with God not only affects us individually with diseases, lack of peace and social problems, but nationally as well with storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, wars and crimes. Each and every one of us is paying the price for all the disasters and diseases we suffer with. Our government foots the bill for national disasters – through our tax dollars.
The U S Department of Health foots the bill for funding disease control – through our tax dollars. Our nation goes to war to defend itself against attacks from other nations – through our tax dollars and the lives of our spouses and children. What the US Department of Education doesn’t monitor in the curriculum of the religious schools, the US Department of Health and other city, state and government offices pays for in the way of diseases, crimes and disasters. And we are left to foot the bill – through taxes.
Our nation and world can no longer afford to be ignorant of the errors being taught that lead us away from being a righteous nation.  Righteousness is still the foundation on which we are to be living our lives and what God expects from us. Returning to righteousness is the only way to restore peace and safety to our lives and world.
God says in Deuteronomy chapter 30 that if we return to obeying God, that he will have compassion on us, will make us plenteous in every work of our hand, will rejoice over us and do good for us. But we must repent first before God will repent of giving us diseases and destruction. Our return to righteous living will stop all diseases and wars, mass shootings, and destruction through storms, fires and earthquakes, and will restore all blessings outlined in Deut 28:1-14. This promise includes Jews so they will no longer be persecuted either. Christ went to the Jew first with his message of repentance – the return to righteousness. But when they refused to hear Him, then Christ went to the Greeks and Gentiles instead.
Christ says in Matt 13:15 for this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
This means if we open our ears to hear and our eyes to see, we could understand with our hearts, then we could repent and be converted back to righteousness, then Christ would heal us. Christ has already forgiven and healed many others. Are you ready for your turn?
For the people who would give anything for a second chance, now is the time to return to God’s principles. For those who want help and guidance, Constance’s books are an excellent resource.
Deut 7:9, 15 Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keeps covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations. And the Lord will take away all sickness and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt… upon thee, but will lay them upon all them that hate thee.
Now that’s a promise you can believe!! And that’s a benefit worth repenting for. Starting over to do God’s will (Matt 6:10 & 7:21) and rejecting the errors that take us away from God’s principles and blessings is the best thing anyone can do to repair their life. God is giving everyone a second chance. Please take it.


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