Life Understanding - Why of Evil Workshop

The following is a transcript for the Life Understanding Workshop.
Until I can get a video made, this is the only way I can get you this information.
This workshop transcript is about 75 to 90 minutes long, depending on how fast you read.
Welcome to this free Life Understanding: Whys of Evil Workshop.
Some parts of this workshop may seem overwhelming, hard and a lot of information to process. But don’t worry, as I’ve figured out a way to make it easy for you. I’ve created a course that will give you a short step-by-step process for getting to the basics. I’ll hold your hand so-to-speak every step of the way. The process is easy, saves you time and money, saves trial & error, saves heartaches, takes the guesswork out, answers hard life questions & solves many problems. The homework sheets I give you for this workshop will keep you on track and provide guidance every step of the way. The classes in the main course I offer will also answer many of your questions & solve many of your problems. After taking this workshop and the main course you will be well on your way to being “Blessed Like A Saint.”
The reason for this workshop and my “Why” for doing it, is because of your “Why” questions. I’ve been around many other people in my 60+ years with many different problems and diseases. They all had one common denominator in their lives that I could see that was causing their problems. That one denominator is breaking God’s commandments. I’ve tried several different denominations over the years (Christian and Jewish), and in every congregation everyone was sick with some type of disease or many problems. So, I wanted to know WHY? This burning question of Why has led me to do major research and study of all the various aspects of our religious training system and Bible principles. I found out the Why we have so much evil in the world today. It all comes down to doctrinal errors being taught to the student pastors who have no idea they’re being taught errors and being expected to teach their congregants the errors as well.
It absolutely breaks my heart to see so many people, especially children suffering with so much diseases and problems. God NEVER intended for us to suffer like we are now. He NEVER intended for our lives to be so full of evil happenings.
It is for this reason this workshop and my main Blessed Like a Saint workshop was created. These workshops will give you the answers you need to your “WHY?” questions.

I come to you today as a 40 year Bible scholar, author and theologian. Even more importantly, I come to you as a Bibliologian, which is someone who studies the messages of the Bible. In those messages I have found the answers to why evil and diseases exist. This workshop will not only teach you, but prove to you how we can eliminate them.
> The purpose of this workshop and why you should care: Is I can teach you how to become disease and problem free and improve your overall life success. I will also help you to learn how to protect those things you value the most; your life, health, safety, family and career.
> This workshop and Main Course I’ll be telling you about is for anyone who wants to live a disease and problem free life or wants to have more success in all aspects of life including financial peace, getting their life needs met and prayers answered.
> The key components I’ll be covering in this free workshop will include how to understand what has gone wrong in our religious training system and society and how to correct errors with biblical factual truth.
The key components in my “Blessed Like A Saint” Main Coaching Package will cover how to get back into alignment with God, give full explanations of false religions, health and healing, receiving the Holy Spirit, obtaining financial peace, getting your prayers answered and surviving the tribulation times to come.
All these components will teach you how to read, understand and apply biblical principles so you can be truly blessed like a saint. There is way too much information in all these components to teach you about all of them today, so today’s focus will be mainly on giving you some life understanding and the whys of evil in the world today.
Now, God has let me know it is my moral obligation to let people know that I can help them. If I don’t, God tells me in Eze 3:17-21 that I will be held accountable for your deaths if I don’t warn you and speak to you about changing your ways in order to save your lives. God doesn’t want any of his people to die in their sins and not be able to be in his next kingdom. And neither do I. That is why I want to help you. 
>I am excited to help you design or re-design your life so you may live a life pleasing to you and an exciting life full of promise, hope, happiness, peace, safety and success.
When you finish this introductory workshop, you’ll be smarter and more able to make better life choices. When you stop to think about the quality of your life, it makes sense to get all the information you can to make the best life choices. These courses will help you to do that. You owe yourself the option of seeing both side of the religious spectrum: Man’s – vs – God’s perspective and all the options in order to discover what works and what doesn’t. I want people to step outside the circles of traditional religious thought they are in and look instead at the world and religion from God’s perspective. It will truly open your eyes to give you greater understanding. Which is what this introductory workshop is all about.
>The main reason for this “Life Understanding” workshop, is because people today don’t understand why they have diseases and problems; how and why the Bible still applies to us today and don’t know about the errors in doctrine I have found that affects them.
This problem of not understanding is standing in your way of you not having the blessed life you want as 1) You’re not believing / following God anymore because 2) you’ve left the covenant He outlined for life success, and 3) You’ve shown God you haven’t been willing to learn more to be His child and He be your God. But together we can change that.
God wants you to know that he has never intended for mankind to suffer like they do now. God does care about you, has not abandoned you, and does want to help you. God has given me extensive training to be able to help you.

> Now I’d like to begin with a short prayer for you:

“Heavenly Father we are here today to learn how we can better our lives and improve our relationship with you. We have many problems and diseases in our world today that we need your guidance and wisdom in order to know how to deal with them.  I ask our Heavenly Father and His Great Son our Messiah to give all those in attendance today eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to understand the biblical truth presented to us today. We ask for your truth to prevail and for you to lift the veil that has been put over our eyes by Satan. We ask for your wisdom, knowledge and understanding to come into us as we learn of you. I also ask that you help all your sons and daughters here today invest in their future health, happiness and lifetime of benefits that only you provide. Help them to become the saints they were meant to be. All this I ask of the Great I Am and Creator that you are, and in the name of our Savior Jesus also known as Messiah Yahshua. Amen”
> Now as you all know, each one of us has a war to fight with Satan, a war that will define our own lives on whether we go to heaven or to hell. When King David was a young boy he brought a rock to a sword fight and a huge amount of faith. In this workshop we will learn how to bring truth, faith, biblical facts and tenacity to a spiritual fight. A fight for your salvation. My spiritual fight made the devil flee away just like James 4:7 says will happen. And I’ll teach you how to do the same.

The # 1 goal: Give you understanding to the whys of evil.

Evil as outlined in “Why Evil Exists” book is not what you would expect it to be. Evil has as much to do with what we choose in life and as to what we get. In our world today we see evil all around us. In the forms of disease, disasters, crimes, war, mass shootings, lack of life success and more.
1 - God gives us a great deal of insight into the reasons for that. In the book of Deuteronomy chapter 28 we find the blessings God says he will give us in verses 1-14. But verses 15-68 lists all the curses he says he will place upon us if we do not keep his commandments. (Read vs 45-46)
But then you may ask “But we are keeping His commandments, so why are we still being destroyed and punished?” Plus many of you have also been told (by man) that those commands were done away with. But that is not what Christ said. He said to keep them and he upheld them in Matt 5:17-32 and 19:17-19.
God also lets us know that He chastises (punishes) us when we break his commandments in Ps 89:30-32; Josh 23:15-16; Deut 4:24-31 and elsewhere. God also lets us know he will not forget His Covenant that he made with the early Israelites and will provide grace and forgiveness to those of us who return to keeping His covenant now.
The first commandment God outlined was “thou shalt have no other gods before Him.” So the biggest thing He took issue with, was all the times the Israelite people kept following the leaders / gods of all the other nations around them. They kept bowing down to what the other leaders wanted them to do instead of what God wanted them to do. We have exactly the same problem in our world today. We now have over 33,000 different religious denominations in our world today, with their leaders wanting us to bow down, believe and follow them today. That is a problem.
(Homework: look up scriptures: Ps 89:30-32; Josh 23:15-16; Deut 4:24-31; Deut 8:5-6; Deut 28: all.)

2 – Read “Bibliologian Finds Answers” article. See “theology” definition.

Bibliologian Finds Answers to Life Problems

3a – Now let’s see where the doctrinal errors started.

Following are the highlights from the Roman Catholic History article I found.  (See (Homework: Read Roman Catholic History; look up definitions of theology, philosophy, sophism, and look up all scriptures for each point given.)
A – It encompasses features of many other world faiths. (Whose? – this was in 150-200 AD when Catholicism started to form 150 years AFTER Christ was here.) 
-- The Bible teaches only 1 faith and belief. (Eph 4:4-6).
B – It is influenced by Aristotle’s (384-322 BC – BEFORE Christ was here) philosophy / sophism.
-- The Bible says “beware of philosophy” (Col 2:8); and talks of philosophers. (Acts 17:15-30)
C – Pope Theodosius (347-395 AD) made Catholic Christianity the official religion of the empire in 381 AD and prohibited the worship of pagan gods in 392 AD.
-- Why has the Catholic Church instituted the worship of pagan traditions to other gods to worship our God? (Jer 10:1-5 tree tradition; 1 Tim 1:4 fables / myth traditions.)
D – The system of scholasticism, the highly formalized philosophical and theological systems developed by the medieval masters, dominates the Roman Catholic thought into the 20th century and now.
Scholasticism – The system of logic, philosophy and theology.
-- Col 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy… after the tradition of men…
-- Theology is the study of other religions and God – NOT the study of the Bible.
E – The first handbook of theology was composed by Peter Abelard in the 12th century, who used Aristotle’s logic (BEFORE Christ was here) in his explorations of the faith. “Theology” term emerged in 1100 AD.
-- Why is the Bible all by itself not being used to teach?
F – The Roman Catholic Church recognizes that the Bible is the Word of God and that Tradition is the word of the church. Tradition yields to the scriptures in dignity and authority.
-- God says don’t change His commandments in Deut 4:2 and Rev 22:18-19.
-?- Why did the Catholic Church change the Sabbath day and invent the cross graven image?
-?- Why did the Catholic Church invent the devotion to saints? Rev 22:8-9 Don’t worship men / brethren / angels.
-?- Why did the Catholic Church invent the resurrection celebration instead of keeping the Passover feast like God and Christ said to do? Matt 26:17-30 and Mark 7:5-13
-?- Why did the Catholic Church invent the papal / Pope system? Matt 23:9 Christ said “Call no man Father”.
-- Christ says keep the commandments – NOT traditions. Matt 15:1-9, and Mark 7:5-13.
-- God says do not do after other religions or peoples to honor Him. Deut 12:29-32.
-?- Why did the Catholic Church invent traditions contrary to what God says to do in the Bible?

3b – Protestant Reform. Martin Luther was raised totally Catholic.

Luther said Protestant Religion is based on the Bible, the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible.

A – Why are Protestant schools using Aristotle’s (384-322 BC) philosophy (learned in Athens, Greece by Epicureans and Stoicks; Acts 17:16-30) and Roman Catholic theology (the study of other religions – [Whose?]) in the training of our Protest – ant pastors? (Protestant means protest against Catholic doctrines.)
-- Col 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy… after the tradition of men…
-- The Bible ONLY should be used for training.
B – Why are Protestant schools teaching people to celebrate and worship pagan / heathen traditions God clearly told His people NOT to celebrate? (Jer 10:1-5 tree tradition; 1 Tim 1:4 fable traditions.)
C – Why are Protestant schools / churches teaching people to practice man-made traditions that transgress the commandments of God? (Matt 15:1-9; Mark 7:5-13). Transgressing (breaking) the commandments makes people a sinner. 1 John 3:4 Sin is the transgression of the law (commands).
D – Why are Protestant schools / churches teaching and practicing dogmas invented by the Roman Catholic Church that are not supported by the Bible or authorized by God or Christ?
-- The changing of the Sabbath day. Deut 5:12-15; Ex 20:8-11.
-- The invention of the crucifix (cross) graven image. Deut 5:8-10; Ex 20:4.
-- The invention of Lent, sprinkling of water baptism instead of immersion.
-- The invention of communion: - Removed bread and wine symbols from Passover meal, and then do it weekly without Passover feast (That’s supposed to be done once a year. They turned something special into something common.)
So, in response to your question and concerns about you believing you have been keeping God’s commands, this study shows we actually have NOT been keeping His commands correctly. There is not a single place in the entire Bible where God gives man the authority to change His commandments. The first class of my main course goes into great detail of what God’s covenant really entails and how we can return to keeping God’s commands correctly.

4 – The next problem is the purpose of religion.

(Homework: look up the definition for religion, disease, pestilence and plague, and scriptures given for each point)
As mentioned before, we now have over 33,000 different religious denominations in our world today with the base faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Muslim all declaring their roots from the same Bible. During the past 3000 years all three of them at one point in history has tried to coerce the masses into subjection to their rule.
In Matt 23:2 and Mark 7:1-13 we find where Christ says that the Scribes and Pharisees (Jews) sit in Moses’ seat and try to rule over the people in their day. They wrote their own laws, ordinances and man-made traditions that they expected the people to follow. There is also a passage in 2 Kings 17:19 where it says Judah (Jews) walked in their own statutes which they made. That book of statutes or laws is what they call the Talmud.
As pointed out in the Roman Catholic History segment, it was Pope Theodosius who officially established the Catholic religion in 381 AD, well over 300 years AFTER Christ was here with us. The Catholic History also points out all the man-made traditions they invented and then expected the people to follow them. They even went to war with numerous nations to force people into submitting to their rule.
We also now have the Muslim religious leaders also coercing people to submit to them and their rule or else they threaten war and killing.
So at this point we must ask “What is religion, why do we need it and who should we turn to for our set of beliefs? Who does religion belong to? Is religion really a submitting to man or to God?
This next segment is in “All About Israel” book of what religion is, why we need it and who it belongs to.

Let us start with the definition of religion from Webster’s Dictionary.

Religion - (<L. religio –reverence for the gods, holiness. <religare, to bind back <re-, back +ligare, to bind, bind together). 1. A belief in a divine or superhuman power or powers to be obeyed and worshipped as the creator(s) and ruler(s) of the universe. 2. Any specific system of belief and worship, often involving a standard of ethics.
What we see here is that religion is a binding between the creator and man as in a contract or covenant. It can also be a set of beliefs given to us by others or made up on our own. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the set of beliefs given to us is the original set of beliefs or standards that our creator gave us in His Word. In our world today we have several different doctrines with Judaism and Christianity being only a couple of the base beliefs with thousands of others branching off of these base doctrines.
Now, why do we need a set of beliefs, and what should they be? We need a set of beliefs so we can have guidelines to protect ourselves and our property for being taken away from us or being killed by others. Nobody wants to live in a world where they have no protection from other people and no recourse when their things are taken away or they are bodily harmed by others. Those guidelines need to be a set of standards that applies to all people of all beliefs. Our Creator gave us a set of guidelines that most countries have adopted into their court systems to regulate the people in their countries. That set of guidelines is called the “Ten Commandments” which are a standard of ethics that include Don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t lie, etc.” those commandments are just and fair to everyone in the world to protect us and guide us in our relationships with humans and with our Creator. So this set of standards is for everyone in the whole world, and not just one nation or small sect of people. So, here we have established the “what, why and who” for our set of beliefs to base our lives on. Even those who hate God (and His commandments) still rely on these standards to protect them in a court of law when they are victimized by other people too.

Now we need to find out who religion belongs to, who holds the rights to it.

Since the Creator created man, (and man dies) and the Creator lives on, then the creator is the only one whose set of beliefs are honored and respected more than man’s beliefs, so the Creator’s beliefs always come first; never man’s.

Who does religion belong to?

As we can see from the definition, religion was originally instituted by God and comes from God. Webster’s definition tells us it is God that is to be obeyed and worshipped and not the religion itself. Since it is God that sets the standard of ethics, then it is God who owns the base religion. God then tells us in His word that man is not to add to or take away from these standards that God has instituted.
Rev 22:18-19 …If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues (diseases) that are written in this book… (See also Deut 4:2)
These diseases, plagues and pestilence include any contagious epidemic or infectious diseases like the flu or the Coronavirus. It also includes the many cancers that are rampant in our world today.
If God has the power to give us plagues (diseases) for disobeying him on this, then that makes religion even more the “Property of God.”
The religious, economic and health crises we are now in is directly due to mankind ignoring God’s command to not change, add or diminish His word. The diseases are a direct reflection of us not keeping the commandments.
So now that we know that religion is a submitting to God and not to man, we can now be free from man’s usurped authority over us. Man’s usurped authority and traditions they have established contrary to the Bible is the main cause of evil destruction in the world today.
So now that we know who religion belongs to, and who we should be submitting to, it should be easier for you to understand the importance of re-learning the Bible from God’s perspective. The classes in the main “Blessed Like A Saint” course will re-introduce you to God’s covenant, teach you how to recognize and eliminate all of man’s false religions and get you back into alignment with God so he can hear your prayers and answer them.
We are in a stage now where we can see the errors that have been made in our religious training system and correct them. We already know Christ died for our sins and has forgiven us for them as well. God also realizes that the pastors of today have not been trained correctly in the schools and therefore could not train their congregations correctly either. They have been just as much of a victim as the rest of us, for they have been suffering too with just as much diseases and evil destructive problems as we have. It is for this reason that this workshop and the main course has been created to help you understand and know the errors in our world today and correct them so you may return to submitting to God and be more successful in life. Re-submitting to God is what stops the evil destruction spoken of in Deut 28:15-68 and Isa 9:16.

5 – The next step is asking God to forgive us.

After all the evil and troubles that befall a person they quite often blame God for the bad things that happen to them. But that blame is very much misplaced as we learn of our errors of following man instead of God. Once we stop sinning (breaking the commandments) God will be able to hear our prayers again. But if we keep submitting to man instead of God, and making man our god (which breaks the first command), then God still won’t hear our prayers. (Isa 59:2 and Jer 5:25). We MUST ask for forgiveness and return to keeping God’s commandments correctly. Doing so will help the healing process in our lives and heart. Solomon’s prayer is also a good place to start with returning to God and His covenant. (1 Kings 8:1-66 & 2 Chron 6:12-42; 2 Chron 7:13-14 also applies.)

HOMEWORK to look up

“Understanding” scriptures to look up:
Proverbs 2:2-6; 3:13-20; 4:5-7; 15:14; 16:16; 23:23; Psalms 111:10; 119:34, 73, 104 & 125
Psalm 119:34 & 73 Give me understanding and I shall keep thy law, yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart. Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments.

“Saints” scriptures to look up:

Psalms 34:9; 37:28; 50:5; 85:8; 89:5; 97:10; 148:14; 149:9; Proverbs 2:8; Eph 4:12; 5:3; Col 1:26
Ps 85:8 I will hear what God the Lord will speak: for He will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly.

6 – Seven Major Errors, Plus other smaller ones

I have discovered 7 major errors people practice that brings curses and destruction to them. Christ says in Matt 24:4-8 there will be wars, famine, pestilence and earthquakes in the last days. The pestilence of the coronavirus we’ve been dealing with is just the beginning of the tribulation times and judgments to come. I implore you, to please learn the errors and stop living by them so you can stop your suffering. All four of my books explain the errors that are being taught in our world today and how to correct them. Learning the errors and not only correcting them but stopping them is the best way to make improvements in your life.
If you want to protect yourself and family then right now is the best time to change your attitude and behaviors towards God and His covenant. His covenant really works, and my 100% disease free body is proof.
If ever there was a time to ensure a good quality of life, to ensure less troubles in the tribulation times to come and ensure your future salvation, NOW is that time. Learn how to protect yourself today.
Order your books today if you plan on having a good life now and salvation tomorrow. Once you re-learn God’s covenant and live by it, you will be well on your way to becoming “Blessed Like a Saint.”
Buying the books “All About Israel,” “The Incomplete Person” and “Why Evil Exists & How To Stop It” will help you in your studies. Buy the books Today - to become “Blessed Like A Saint Tomorrow!"


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